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The story of a life transformed by revolution, emigration and loss, narrated in heartwarming lyric prose, and the journey of healing through creation of visual art inspired by the coalescence of two cultures.
520 pages with 230 high quality images of original paintings, jewelry and wearable art objects, games and furniture all designed by the artist and the author of the book. Includes a glossary.

In My Blue Canvas Pari discovers and reveals through her works of art and meditations in lyric prose how her Persian heritage and thirty years of living in Canada have influenced and inspired her work, a body of contemporary works of art in different media rooted in the timeless elements and aesthetics of the Persian artistic repertoire.


Pari Azarm Motamedi: Born and raised in Tehran, Iran. She studied and worked as an architect and urban planner in Iran and England, before moving to Canada in 1984 with her husband and two young sons. She has practiced and created art for more than thirty years and has presented exhibitions, papers and workshops in various cultural and academic venues including Columbia University, Oxford University, Simon Fraser and Emily Carr universities, the Museum of Anthropology at the University of British Columbia and the Maltwood Art Museum and Gallery at the University of Victoria, as well as private and public art galleries in Tehran and Vancouver.

My Blue Canvas

  • Product ID: AN007

    Author: Pari Azarm Motemedi

    Publisher: Anahita Productions Ltd.

    Cover Type Hard Cover
    No. Of Pages 520
    ISBN 978-0-9809714-7-7
    Release Date Apr 2016
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